Newsweek Features Amy Tenderich of DiabetesMine

Saturday, 26 January 2008
Great to see Newsweek run a story on Amy Tenderich and the success of her blog, DiabetesMine. Amy's efforts are a great example of how blogs can be used to creatively share valuable information with a patient community.

Here is a taste of the article and how Amy got started,

I've been writing my Web site for three years now, and some amazing things have happened. First, I learned all sorts of facts about my own health that doctors never told me. I learned that thousands of other people out there have been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes later in life, like me—a condition called LADA (latent autoimmune diabetes in adults). From other patients I also learned essential basics about related conditions, like gluten intolerance (celiac disease), and Raynaud's syndrome, a circulation disorder in the hands—both of which I suffer from, along with the diabetes.

Second, a whole community of "patient bloggers" has grown up around me—hundreds of other people sharing their health challenges on the Web. We exchange treatment and insurance tips, hold online chats, link to each other's sites, and even manage to meet in person sometimes.

Congrats Amy on a great article.