More Predictions on The Future of Health Care

Thursday, 24 January 2008
Great post, "Everybody's Talking about the Future of Health Care," by Fred Fortin over at the World Health Care Blog. The post focusing our attention on what may occur in 2008.

The other day I was in a meeting related to West Virginia's efforts to create a state wide health information network. We were looking at project time lines that ran into 2010. Although only two years away I thought how long a time that is as technology, health care, political landscape, etc. move around at light speed. Similar to Mr. Fortin's thoughts and "humble appreciation and respect for the role of high impact, improbably events in social affairs."

Mr. Fortin points out in his post the key concept of "unsustainability". Which in my mind leads to major disruption in the industry. The question is when and how hard. What will be the key drivers? We have to push forward on developing models but in doing so we always have to remain aware and vigilant of what is happening around us.

Tip to Tony for pointing out the post.