Collaborating On Health 2.0

Sunday, 15 April 2007
A couple of weeks ago I had the opportunity to speak to a local group of business executives on the topic of The Value of Blogging in Business with Skip Lineberg and Matt Ballard. During Skip's Ten Reasons To Blog portion of the presentation he used a couple of slides highlighting the concept of "reaching the world . . . or reach across town -- do either . . . Do both!"

This week I have a wonderful example. Over the last few months I have had the opportunity to communicate with Bertalan Meskó a medical student at the University of Debrecen, Hungary who blogs at ScienceRoll (and his Hungarian blog, MedIQ). He has an interest in the concepts of health 2.0 and medicine 2.0 that I have spent a fair amount of time lately writing and thinking about on this blog. This week Bertalan posted about his upcoming Genetics and Web 2.0 Presentation.

Traditional notions of collaborating or doing business with someone down the street vs. across the globe have changed. This change impacts all industry -- from the practice of law to the practice of medicine to all industries. Just an example to think about what impact it might have on you as I sit here in Charleston, West Virginia and Bertalan sits in Debrecen, Hungary.

Bertalan also gives credit to Ves Dimov, M.D., an Assistant Professor at the Cleveland Clinic who "gets" the new health 2.0 technology and is harnessing the technology in practical ways via his blog, Clinical Cases and Images - Blog. His post and presentation on How to Use Web 2.0 In Medicine? is another good introduction to health/medicine 2.0 concepts.

UPDATE: This evening I saw this post by Tony Chen at Hospital Impact providing a Consumer's Guide to Healthcare 2.0 Websites. Great summary of Health 2.0 type companies and their popularity via alexa rankings.