Charleston Area Alliance: Blogging In Business

Thursday, 5 April 2007
Yesterday I participated in a panel discussion on the value of blogging in business. The Charleston Area Alliance held the event as a part of its CEO Roundtable Luncheon series.

Also serving on the panel was Matt Ballard, CEO of the Charleston Area Alliance who blogs at the CAA Blog and Skip Lineberg, Chief Creative Officer of Maple Creative who blogs at Marketing Genius from Maple Creative.

The event was a success and hopefully we were able to share some new information about the value of blogging and how it can impact the relationship you have with your clients and potential clients. It was a diverse group who attended and there were some great questions from the crowd.

Skip Lineberg has a post-presentation post on the event (with photos).

We intentionally decided not to hand out the presentation but rather make it available via our blogs through SlideShare (for those of you attending -- another one of the new web 2.0 companies). Call it the Flickr or YouTube for Power Point. Until today I had not used SlideShare which I first learned about from another West Virginia blogger, Lee Kraus who authors Learning and Technology. Lee has some interesting comments about the business uses of SlideShare.

Here are the slides from our presentation, The Value of Blogging In Business: