Preparing for 1L Summer

Tuesday, 12 February 2013
If you are a 1L, you have likely received all of your grades back from your first term and you are now settling into your second.  Before you know it though, the school year will be over and you will have a "free" summer.  While your college summers may have been a time to explore the world or party, your 1L summer is a time to improve your resume and position yourself for your legal career.  Here are some things you should be thinking about and planning for NOW.

1.  Law Review & Journals

You will start to hear about your law review and journal competitions that will occur right after you finish your last set of exams.  The competition is usually a difficult 3-7 day event where you are given hundreds (or thousands) of pages of material and asked to write an article.  Based on the results of the competition, you may be asked to join a law review or journal.  While the timing for the competition is not great (right after exams), you should do everything you can to participate as Law Review and Journals look great on your resume.

2.  On Campus Recruitment (OCI)

One of the reasons your 1L year is so important is that your grades are the primary factor that will determine how you will do during the on campus recruitment that will occur at the end of your 1L summer.  This is where law firms come to your campus and offer you summer employment for your 2L year.  These jobs are highly coveted as they pay over $160,000 per year and this will be your only shot at one.  During the second semester, try to take any interview or job search classes or seminars you can find.  OCI is an important next step in your legal career.

3. Transfer

You may want to consider transferring law schools to "upgrade."   This is a very personal choice and you should look at all of the pros and cons.  You will find articles related to transferring on this blog.  Just access our search tool.

4. Job

You should also focus on the job that you will take for your 1L summer.  You should start looking early as all of the "good" jobs go fast.  You want to find a "legal" job for sure and look for something that will look good on your resume.  Even people who go to top schools have a tough time with the 1L summer job search so start your search early.  While pay is a consideration, the really important part of your 1L job is the duties you will be performing and the organization you will be working for.  

5.  Enjoy the Summer

While it is an important summer, take the time to relax and enjoy it. 1L year was tough and you need a break to get ready for your last two years of law school.