The Law School Lowdown - Join LexisNexis and Law School Success Tips For A Free Webcast on What To Expect In Law School

Friday, 6 July 2012

Are you starting law school in the fall or have you thought about going to law school? Please join us on Tuesday July 10th at 7PM EST for a Webcast on what you can expect when you go to law school.  We have partnered with LexisNexis and you can register for the FREE Webcast if you click here.  As a teaser, here are 6 of the greatest law school myths.  We will add 6 more during the Webcast as well as go over first year courses, the Socratic method of teaching, how you will be graded and how to do well in law school.  You will also have an opportunity to ask questions.  Here are the top 6 law school myths exposed and the reasons they are myths. 

Law School Myth
Why Is It A Myth
Your first year of law school is similar to your first year of college
The two are like day and night and for many law school is considerably more work.  Two key differences are the amount you must prepare for each and every law school class and the Socratic method (described below) of teaching.  Also, be prepared for one exam to determine your entire grade in law school.
You will not find a job after law school
Most people do find jobs in law related fields but at times it takes longer than you may think.
A law degree is as good as a money printing press
Not!  Some lawyers make lots of money and some do not.  If you are going into this profession for the money you should rethink why you are becoming a lawyer.
You will fail out of law school
Law schools grade on a curve relative to other students and typically the lowest mark that a student who does the work will receive is a C. There are of course exceptions and some schools apply grading systems similar to college.
You have to be an excellent public speaker to do well in law school and become a lawyer
This is absolutely not the case.  In order to be an effective lawyer and law student, you must write well but public speaking is not a requirement.  I have found that most people that get the highest grade in law school classes are the people you do not hear a word from all semester.  Also, contrary to what many think, most lawyers never see the inside of a courtroom. 
You can make up for bad grades in your first year in your second and third year.
Although this is number 6 on the list it is the Number 1 myth of law school.  Your future as a lawyer is often based almost exclusively on your grades in first year. Make the first year count.
 To sign up for the free Webcast click here.