WVHCA: 2012 CON Capital Expenditure Minimum

Tuesday, 3 January 2012
The West Virginia Health Care Authority has announced the 2012 certificate of need capital expenditure minimum threshold of $2,916,104. The new threshold is effective beginning January 1, 2012. The threshold is used as a part of the analysis by health care providers who must determine whether or not a certificate of need is required for a proposed project or health care acquisition. 

Pursuant to W.Va. Code 16-2D-2(h) and (s), the Authority is required to adjust the expenditure minimum annually and publish an update of the amount on or before December 31 of each year. The expenditure minimum adjustment isbased on the DRI inflation index published in the Global Insight DRI/WEFA Health Care Cost Review. The DRI inflation index as of December 31, 2011 is 2.9%.