A Bit About the Purpose of the Blog

Monday, 5 December 2011

Law school can be a fun, rewarding and educational experience.  It can also be confusing, daunting and stressful.  I often found that I had more questions than answers and I repeatedly heard myself saying, “If someone would have told me this, I could have saved myself so much time, money and stress.” As I navigated through the tough first year of law school, a law review competition, moot court try-outs, finding summer and full-time employment, learning to do well on law school examinations, deciding whether to transfer to another law school, the second and third years of law school, and the bar exam, I realized that the questions did not stop but instead increased.  I also noticed that year after year new students were asking me the same questions that I asked when I was in their shoes, and they were looking for practical advice from people that could help them avoid mistakes that would cost them time and money they did not have. 
If you have not yet decided to go to law school, this blog will explain what you can expect so that you can make an informed decision of whether or not law school is right for you.  If you have already decided to go to law school or are already there, this blog will provide you with money and time saving advice that will guide you through your remaining years and the bar examination.  The helpful tips in this blog will start from the law school application process and cover every important aspect of law school right through to preparing for and sitting for the bar examination. 
In terms of specific topics, this blog will answer questions regarding; the law school admission test, the law school application process, how to select a law school that is right for you, how to do well on exams in your first year of law school, what should you consider when looking for summer employment in your first year, whether or not to transfer to a different law schools after your first year, how to make it on to law review, how to make in on to a moot court team, how to effectively select courses and navigate through your second and third year of law school, the full-time employment and recruitment process in your second year, what does it mean to work in a large law firm, what to expect in your second year summer job in a law firm or public interest organization, how to obtain fellowships & scholarships, the part-time law studies experience, how to publish articles in journals, preparing for the bar exam and much more. 
          The advice answers questions that you will have as you go through the law school process and provides you with answers before it is too late.  Some tips may save you $40 while other may save you thousands.  Other tips will eliminate hours of needless research. What you will get here is practical, targeted and specific tips on how to effectively navigate though the various parts of law school and the bar exam. 
        If there is a specific topic you would like advice or information on, post a comment and I would be happy to post some advice that will be useful to you.  This blog is for you so do not be shy.