4th Circuit Affirms Withholding of WV Medicaid Funds

Wednesday, 6 July 2011
Today the United States Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit affirmed a ruling by the district court in West Virginia which sustained a disallowance of federal funding by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) against the West Virginia Medicaid Program.

The 4th Circuit Decision in West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources, Bureau for Medical Services vs. Kathleen Sebelius, et al. ruled that CMS acted within its authority when it withheld from the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources, Bureau of Medical Services, West Virginia'a Medicaid Program (DHHR) approximately $634,000 (which was reduced to approximately $446,000)in Medicaid funding, which represented it share of overpayment made to providers as a result of Dey, Inc., a pharmaceutical company, alleged fraud. CMS notified DHHR of the disallowance after Dey entered into an $850,000 settlement of claims brought by the West Virginia Attorney General on behalf of West Virginia under West Virginia's Consumer Credit and Protection Act.

The disallowance by CMS was calculated by multiplying the state's estimated damages allocable to Medicaid, approximately 67% by the settlement amount adn then multiplied this figure by West Virginia's FMAP rate of 78.14% to arrive at the $446,000 amount. The HHS Department of Appeals Board concluded that this allocation methodology was reasonable.

I have only done an initial review of the decision and won't go into the merits of the arguments at this time. Read the full decision for a more complete understanding of the decision and check out today's article in the Charleston Daily Mail.