OIG HEAT Provider Compliance Training Webcast

Wednesday, 8 June 2011
The Office of Inspector General (OIG) has made available the Health Care Fraud Prevention and Enforcement Team (HEAT) Provider Compliance Training webcast. OIG is making the training information available to help highlight and educate providers on the the federal government's effort to fight health care fraud and abuse.

More information about  HEAT Task Force and its mission and efforts can be found on the StopMedicareFraud website. The training information includes 16 modules:

Welcome Remarks 4:37
Overview of OIG 9:56
Navigating the Fraud and Abuse Laws 26:26
Compliance Program Basics 17:01
Operating an Effective Compliance Program 15:59
Understanding Program Exclusions 10:26
Navigating the Government 5:10
Overview of Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services 34:24
Importance of Documentation 17:06
OIG Subpoenas Audits Surveys and Self Disclosure Protocol 17:42
Health Care Fraud Enforcement Panel 6:08
Health Care Fraud Enforcement Panel with CMS Deputy Admin 13:43
Health Care Fraud Enforcement Panel with Special Agent 15:10
Health Care Fraud Enforcement Panel with Asst. US Attorney 17:08
Health Care Fraud Enforcement Panel - Fraud Control Unit 11:15
Adjournment 0:59