WV HIT Funding Under HITECH: WVHIN Gets $7.8M and WV REC gets $6M

Saturday, 13 February 2010
Health and Human Services Secretary Sebelius and the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, David Blumenthal, announced the HITECH funding under the ARRA for State Health Information Exchanges (HIEs) and Regional Extension Center (RECs) across the country.

The White House Press Release provides a detailed list of HIEs and RECs receiving grants. Inormation is also available via the HHS News Release, Sebelius, Solis Announce Nearly $1 Billion Recovery Act Investments in Advancing Use of Health IT, Training Works for Health Jobs of the Future.

West Virginia will receive the following funding:
More information about the health information technology programs and awards can be found on the Office of National Coordinator HIT Website.