The Economist and Health 2.0

Sunday, 9 September 2007
The Economist takes a glimpse at Health 2.0.

Thanks to Scott Shreeve, MD for pointing out the article. Scott has great insight on what changes might be happening to health care as this new technology and social networking begins to invade traditional models of health care delivery. Scott is working on a white paper styled after Tim O'Reilly titled, What is Health 2.0? Enabling Technologies and Reform Initiatives for Next Generation Healthcare.

I'm looking forward to talking with Scott, Matthew, Indu and others who will be attending the Health 2.0 conference later this month. Congrats to Matthew and Indu Subyaiya, MD, co-organizers of the event, for their effort in putting together a fantastic agenda and selling the event out.

For a little more insight into the ideas behind the conference check out Indu's post from May 2007, Health 2.0: The Conference, the debate. Indu's vision for the conference:
If you don't come for Google, Esther Dyson, Revolution Health, Intuit, Sermo...come because this will be the most straight-up conversation on health care and technology you've participated in. No vested interests, no long-winded podium anesthetics, no oversized Vegas-style booths. Rather a close examination of organic and disruptive trends outside the top-down control of organizations, a reflective look at how each of us as interacts with various aspects of our health care and the demands we are going to increasingly place on the system to become more transparent, interactive and humane.
Note: If you are planning on attending the conference you may want to join the Facebook Group around the conference that hopefully others will use to generate discussion around the event. Also, if you plan to attend I would like to get together post a comment or send me an email. I will be arriving in the afternoon on the 19th.