WVHIN Board Meeting (January 2007)

Monday, 29 January 2007
On Friday the board of the West Virginia Health Information Network (WVHIN) met and covered a variety of topics and continued its efforts to coordinate the creation of a successfully integrated health information system. (Note: The WVHIN board is still in the search phase for an Executive Director).

Topics of the board included the following:

1. A status report on the submission of Interim Report of the West Virginia Solutions Group under Health Information and Security and Privacy Collaborative (HISPC). A motion was made and passed to integrate and continue to carry on the HISPC project work under the auspices of the WVHIN after the project grant is completed in 2007.

2. Update and approval of the WVHIN Bylaws, including a letter from the State Ethics Commission approving the form and substance of the Bylaws and indicating that the Bylaws meet the open meeting law requirements in West Virginia.

3. An update on the pending e-prescribing legislation (Senate Bill 69) introduced by Governor Manchin to address the current restrictions on allowing e-prescribing by physician and pharmacists in West Virginia. There were also a number of e-prescribing presentations providing the details of how such systems will work and current statistics on e-prescribing in West Virginia and nationally.

4. An update on the FCC Broadband Grant application process.

Included in the handout materials for the board meeting was a copy of a recent article appearing in Health Care's Most Wired Magazine by my fellow board member, Sarah Chouinard, M.D. Interesting article (see next post).