Stolen VA Laptop Found, But . . . Two More Data Incidents Reported

Thursday, 29 June 2006
Today the NY Times is reporting that the stolen laptop and hard drive containing data on an estimated 26.5 million veterans and military personnel has been recovered. According to the report the FBI's preliminary review found no evidence that anyone accessed the data.

For more information about the release of data and the class action filed as a result of the release check out my previous post on the topic. What impact will the recovery of the data, allegedly not accessed or used improperly by the parties who stole the data, have on the pending class action litigation?

But . . . at the same time the House of Representatives Veterans Affairs Committee has learned of a May 5 incident in which a data tape disappeared from a VA facility in Indianapolis, Indiana, and a 2005 incident in which a VA laptop was stored in the trunk of a car that was stolen in Minneapolis.