Legal Uses of Google Trends

Thursday, 11 May 2006
Check out the newest feature from the Google Labs called "Google Trends". As Google says, "see what the world is searching." More info about Google Trends. I can imagine a number of creative ways lawyers (and others) can use this tool. What about you?

For example, as a health lawyer focusing a part of my practice on HIPAA privacy and security compliance issues -- I found the search for the term "HIPAA" interesting. Relatively flat line on the volume chart -- going down a bit from 2004 to 2005 and a little rise in the beginning of 2006. Interestingly enough the top city for the search was Nashville. I suspect this is largely due to the fact that a number of national hospital companies are based in the Nashville area.

Give it a try and post your creative legal uses for Google Trends in the comments.