Charleston Area Bloggers #2

Thursday, 26 January 2006
Just a reminder that the Charleston Area Bloggers will be gathering again at Taylor Books on Wednesday, Febuary 1 @ 8am. Even the She-Women Man Haters Club members are welcome. Come one, come all bloggers and blawgers (check Technorati for updates on the continuing debate of blawg vs. blog). It highlights that lawyers just love to argue over portmanteau words. Some blogger trivia - Who originated the term "blawg"? Free coffee on Feb 1 for the first to post a comment with the answer.

The first CAB get-together was a big success and I'm looking forward to getting back together and meeting a few new local bloggers. If the event grows much larger we might have to rent out Taylor Books. Since the Legislative session is in full swing -- I'm already lobbying for CAB 3 (TBA) to be held at Chris' Hot Dogs on the West Side for dogs and fries. If Ms. Howell can coin the term "blawg"then I'm claiming "doggers". (check out our resident West Virginia dogger).