Oklahoma Courts Follow West Virginia and Lousiana and Offer RSS Newsfeeds

Wednesday, 2 November 2005
Jim Calloway at his Law Practice Tips Blog reports that Oklahoma is the third state court to introduce RSS feed technology as a way to release appellate decisions.

According to Jim, Oklahoma follows West Virginia and Louisiana. It is great to see another state appellate court adding RSS feeds. I have been subscribing to West Virginia's RSS feeds implemented by Rory Perry for about a year and have found it to be an incredibly valuable service. As soon as a new case comes out I can scan the decision, determine whether or not the case relates to current/past client issues, notify clients or other attorneys about the decision, etc. One of the benefits of being an early adopter of RSS feed technology has been the ability to see relevant information first and notify my clients, my partners or other attorneys.

I ran a couple of Google searches and located that both Utah and North Dakota are using RSS feed technology to report and issue state court decisions. This brings the total to five states.

It's also great to see West Virginia and Louisiana at the top of a list rather than at the bottom. So often we find our states at the bottom of the list -- especially on health care related issues.

For more information on how West Virginia is leading the way on court technology issues you should check out Rory Perry's weblog on law, technology and the courts.