New Health Care Blog: HealthcareTomorrow

Friday, 2 September 2005
A new health care blog came across my screen today thanks to a post by Hospital Impact. The blog is called Healthcare Tomorrow and is authored by Andrew Barna, a young healthcare executive who is currently Director of Strategic Development for a Catholic hospital in the Bay Area.

According to Andrew, "the purpose of this blog is to discuss U.S. healthcare today and what we should be doing to create the healthcare delivery system we want for tomorrow. I am writing for healthcare professionals, commentators, and interested citizens. The posts are my own and do not represent the views of my employer."

I especially liked Andrew's description of himself as a "young healthcare executive with at least 30 years of healthcare experience ahead of me." It's great to see someone young recognizing the value of looking forward. All too often we only look to (and value) those with experience from the past and don't always recognize those looking to create something better for the future.

I was intrigued by Andrew's first post on July 27 regarding the Sorry Works! Coalition. I recently spent some time advising a health care client on the impact a new "I'm Sorry" bill that passed the West Virginia legislation during the 2005 Legislative Session iwll have on malpractice in our state. This particular health care provider was interested in the scope of what could and should not be said during the apology after an adverse event or medical error.