Doggone It! Blawg Review #19 Is Now Up at Patent Baristas

Monday, 15 August 2005
Doggone It . . . Blawg Review has done it again!

Blawg Review #19 is now up at Patent Baristas. Recently I started following Blawg Review as a way to stay up on many of the law related blogs and see what other blogging attorneys are doing in the industry.

I recently signed up to host a future volume of the Blawg Review and look forward to seeing the continuing stream of creative lawyers exploring the electronic stacks for interesting and insighful blog topics.

I also want to thank the attorneys at Patent Baristas for mentioning my Health Care Blog Law and an IT law firm blawg written by a member of my law firm's IT department called "Law Firm IT: The view from the server room."

Stephen and Karyln if you are ever heading up along the Ohio River be sure to stop by my favorite Barista at Baristas in my hometown of New Martinsville, West Virginia. Ask for Jeff or Jill and tell them Bob sent you for a mocha crush or better yet head on down to the pub. Tell'em to put it on my tab.

Note: For inquiring minds, check out the NYT review of Baristas.