Hospital Impact

Saturday, 9 July 2005
Check out a new blog (at least to me) called Hospital Impact which uses the inviting moniker of "what will it take for our hospitals to be the best run organizations on the face of the planet?" The blog is based out of Chicago and focuses on hospital leadership ideas and issues. However, the blog also has categories covering hospital related "links" and "scoops." Check out this post for more details on each of these topic areas.

I've just scanned the blog which got up and running in March 2005. I like the quality and diversity of the posts and plan to add it to my Bloglines RSS reader. Also I really like the feature built in that allows you to choose different types of "skins" for the blog. I haven't seen this on a blog.

I look forward to seeing more posts from this blog run by Tony. I found his personal category of posts perceptive and worthy of note. I particularly liked his post on "taking time to reflect more". I completely agree that we all need to take more time to put the pieces in place in this sensory overloaded information world that we now live in today. Also I can relate to many of his posts on getting his blog up and running and how he felt through the process.

Thanks to Matthew Holt over at The Health Care Blog for pointing me to this new blog.