Pennsylvania Health Care Blog

Monday, 6 June 2005
I want to thank another health law blog for adding me to their list of "fellow bloggers." Just north and across the Mason-Dixon Line from West Virginia, the Pennsylvania Health Care Blog focuses on the laws and news that affect the delivery of health care in Pennsylvania. The blog is produced by the law firm of McNees Wallace and Nurick LLC and was created using LexBlog.

I've tracked this blog for months via Bloglines and enjoy the content published. Also, the blog is a great example of law firms starting to recognize the value of blogs, especially in the area of promoting specialized practice group areas such as health care law.

If you are interested in the use of blogs by law firms and lawyers for serving clients and marketing purposes you should also check out and add to your RSS reader Real Lawyers Have Blogs written by Kevin O'Keefe, founder and owner of LexBlog. To see some good examples of law blogs on a variety of topics check out LexBlog's portfolio.