Alcohol Class Action Filed in West Virginia

Wednesday, 27 April 2005
A novel class action was filed in West Virginia on or about April 18, 2005, in Hancock County, West Virginia and is styled as Roger Bertovich and Kathy Bertovich, husband and wife on behalf of themselves, all other similarilary situated and the general public v. Advanced Brands & Importing Co., Anheuser-Busch, Inc. et. al.

The class action is directed against approximately 90 plus alcoholic-beverage producers and alleges that the manufactures diliberately and illegally targeted the marketing of alcoholic beverages to children and minors. The action is being brought under the West Virginia Consumer Protection Act, W.Va. Code 46A-6-401 et seq. and claims that the impact of the marketing generates substantial revenue from the sale of alcoholic beverages to such minors.

Similar class action lawsuits have been filed in at least four other states across the country. You can find a summary of some of the cases here.